Friday 11 April 2014

Easter in Bavaria

Today we like to introduce you how Easter is celebrated in Bavaria. 
For this we get first-hand experiences from our Bavarian intern Verena who celebrates Easter within the catholic church in Germany.

"It starts with Good Friday or as we call it Karfreitag. On this day we commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We are not allowed to eat meat or sweets on this day, so you have to find other meal ideas…

We also start to paint some eggs for the big Easter breakfast on Sunday.

The real Easter celebration starts on "Easter Sunday or Ostersonntag”. On this day we celebrate the rising of Jesus Christ. And at the same time it is the beginning of Easter.

The Easter bread, eggs and ham get holy in the church. After that our big Easter breakfast with the whole family can start…

When the weather is sunny it’s great to sit outside enjoying the good Easter food.

...and after that the most exciting thing for all the kids starts - the search for Easter eggs -  “Osternest Suche”.

When we were children our dad hid them in our big garden. It was the best thing for my sister and me to look for them and finally find our nests full of chocolate or other sweet treats.

Like every year we are looking forward to Easter and wish all of you  
If you want to get These and more Bavarian Easter ideas, visit these links: